
With quartz and granite worktops commonly used in the kitchen or bathroom, chances are you’ll require a new sink or taps that compliment your newly designed room. These can really effect the overall look of your design and bring a nice finishing touch to your stone worktops.


We know that there is a vast range of different sinks and taps to choose from, so if you’re feeling a little overwhelmed by the choice on offer we are here to help and advise on which may be suitable for your needs and accompany your new worktops nicely.


If you are unsure of where to start your search for sinks and taps we can recommend:


The world’s foremost manufacturer of kitchen sinks who are well known for their commitment to quality and unmistakable flair for design, using state of the art production technology and the finest materials.


Astracast® have recognition worldwide as one of the market leaders in kitchen sink, kitchen taps and accessories manufacture. For over 25 years they have been supplying solutions that are both practical as well as innovative and award-winning.


For enquiries about the different sink and tap options available please do not hesitate to give us a call on 01708 914101 / 01992 721802 / 07842 555736 or via the contact form and our friendly team will be happy to discuss your requirements.